articles, Events & OTher Media

I am a regular contributor to a number of different publications - from print to podcast. Whether you need a writer for a beautiful coffee table book or a pop-in host for your Instagram story, I’d love to collaborate! If you’re interested in teaming up, please reach out.





From the article: “When I first learned I was going to be a mother, I faced a world of change. Learning of my unplanned pregnancy meant processing a slew of hopes and dreams for my life that would never reach fruition. The day my daughter was born, none of that mattered. When I looked into her eyes I understood God’s perfect love for the very first time. Letting go of the plans I had made for myself was part of the process so God could show me his plan handmade for me and my daughter.

No matter who we are, each of us has something we need to let go of. It could be expectations, grief, anger — anything that stands in the way of our relationship with God. When we let go, we make room for God to enter our hearts.”



episode: Unplanned pregnancy ft. alexa hyman

Have you experienced an unplanned pregnancy?  What would you do if a friend confided in you that she was pregnant and it was not expected?  Alexa Hyman, founder of Back in February, shares her difficult, yet beautiful and inspiring, journey through an unplanned pregnancy and how motherhood is the best thing that has ever happened to her.  She talks about how to support a friend who has an unexpected pregnancy and how to create a space for negative feelings while still remaining positive.

lifechat podcast:

episode: “Surprise" Motherhood, Shame, and Men's Influence on the "Woman's Choice”

From the host: Alexa Hyman of Back in February recorded with me yesterday and I am blown. away. at how approachable and relatable she has made “surprise” motherhood.  We talked about “surprise” motherhood, the space that opens up in a woman’s body and heart when she conceives, that little inkling of joy she feels even in the midst of fear, and how men have the power to speak love and truth into a pregnant woman’s experience. Alexa is dispelling the fears of unplanned pregnancy left and right in her ministry.

Everyday Mamas:

ARticle: “Single Mom Uses Her Story of Unplanned Pregnancy to Help Thousands of Others”

About the article: Today we’re excited to share this heartfelt interview with Alexa Hyman, founder of Back in February, a rapidly growing online community for women.

Letters to women podcasT:


About the episode: Each one of us has our own unique story of joy and struggle, our ‘Februaries’. So how do we be brave and face that struggle head on? Alexa is leading the way with a conversation about beauty, meaning, conversation, community, and heart.


“Mothergood Feature: Alexa”

From the article: “Motherhood is the epitome of selflessness, in my book. I think I find that both the most fulfilling and the most challenging. It has challenged me to open my hands up and just simply let go…”


“Back in February- How an unexpected pregnancy led to joy”

“Alexa Hyman navigated her white Kia Optima, peering through sheets of rain, as she made her way to a Southern California Rite Aid. She already knew the answer, but she had to see it in flashing black and white. Sixteen dollars later, sitting at home in the tiny bathroom of her apartment, she had her answer: she was pregnant.”


Dynasty women’s initiative:

COnference panelist

At this conference aimed to cultivate raw conversations among women working in financials services, I was invited to speak on a panel to share my surprise stumble into the industry as a single, surprise mom and why conversations happening here at Back in February are relevant, even in financial services.

interesting in having me speak at your event or write for your publication?

I'D love to learn more!